05 August 2022

The Stompers & Those Who Step Gently


Chandra's feet upon the earth, 2022

C.S. Sherin
05 August 2022, updated March 2023

I had kind of an odd experience last month. I was outdoors at a music event, and was lucky enough to have a comfortable outdoor seat on a deck overlooking everything. It was a beautiful summer evening...sun, light breeze, and warmth. 

As I spent well over an hour in that spot, I began to notice something that I've never, in my life so far, gotten to witness. This alone surprises me. Without trying, I got some strange view of my fellow human beings in a way I would never have thought. 

Especially on a night when I was deeply entranced with exceptional entertainment that my life partner was participating in. There were enough worthwhile objects for my attention. And yet, what I observed got my attention, despite all of that.

It started out like this... 

The deck is fairly large and the venue is busy. There are plenty of people moving about to find their spots, greet friends, and to go back and forth for things they want to see or get. The deck is also old and worn, yet sturdy. But, it has some give. This is what gets my attention, without trying. 

A tall and heavy person walks across the deck in front of me. I am not trying to notice, but rather, their steps are like stomps that make the deck bounce like waves, which are concerning. 

It is something that those standing or sitting elsewhere wouldn't feel or see to the degree that I, or those others in the chairs around me, did. The chairs on the deck give a striking "feel" for the concerning waves that come from the stomps of the "stomper" walking by. It is a "Woah!" type feeling. Like, "Woah, step a little lighter Margaret, you are rocking this boat in a crazy way right now!" 

But, Margaret doesn't notice. Nor do those standing about talking. And, if you look at her, she doesn't look like she's stomping...not at all. She's simply walking like she always does, normal and all. 

Now, if my observations had stopped there I may have come to the erroneous conclusion that all tall and heavy people are stompers, as revealed through sitting in the nice chair on an aging deck. However, I actually didn't come to that conclusion. What I thought was, "Wow, this particular person really has heavy steps, and it is alarming to feel it!" Subconsciously, I probably did equate size and height with the stomps. But, only initially.

This particular person stomped (walked normally) across the deck back and forth probably three times through the night. Each time, I wished she would take it easy, though she was doing nothing out of the ordinary, really. As the night unfolded, things got really interesting. 

I will spare you the play by play descriptions, and will get to the very interesting thing that I learned about people that night. Stompers, people who walk very heavily upon the earth/ground/deck or whatever they are walking upon, cannot be categorized by size, weight, gender, age, or appearance of strength! 

And, what I observed is, you cannot spot a stomper by looking at them. I saw small people who were such heavy stompers that you would think they were three times their size. There was a tiny middle-aged person who was a big-time stomper. Just as big as the biggest of them. Same with the gentle walkers. Those with gentle steps included the tallest and heaviest as well as all the other sizes, shapes, genders, abilities, etc. Nor did the stomping at all equate to the type of shoes people were wearing!

This is fascinating! If I were to estimate what the percentage of people there, who were/are stompers, I would have to say that they weren't the majority, and definitely less than a third of the people who walked by, and back and forth. 

I loved witnessing the fact that this dynamic exists, hidden most of the time, and that it isn't defined by stereotypical qualities. Some people really stomp their way along. They step heavy and hard as they walk. And they defy categorization by appearance or qualities!

What causes this? I have no idea. I don't know if it is a mental mindset, personality, physical attribute, suppressed anger, selective gravity effects (ha ha), or what! The majority of people step gently, or at least, aren't full-on stomping (at least in the tiny cross-section of people I saw that night).

Of course, I think of the attitude of conserving energy, of the choice to walk gently upon the earth when I think about this. And I think of the stompers...who are using so much extra energy to step; much more than they need to. Like an ongoing tantrum of a toddler stomping, they have made it a way of making their way through life. But, you would never know it. 

Of course, those are all my preconceived concepts around stomping versus stepping lightly, but I really have no idea what is fueling and defining the difference. It could be something completely un-nuanced and innocent. I really don't know. But, since I look at life symbolically or metaphorically a lot, I go there with it.

I do know though, that I am not a stomper. Not that stompers are bad. Not at all. I simply know how I step. That is interesting too. I am pretty mindful of how I do things and how my presence and actions exist. Being in dance at a young age, being in theatre, and learning the Alexander Technique, and feeling close to Nature, all have helped me in self-awareness and mindfulness. And, I'm sure I do stomp a bit when I'm mad or frustrated. 

But that is the thing. I'm pretty much drawn to judging the stompers as immature or somehow discontent. I see the bias in me already formed.

Regardless, I do know there is a need to be aware of how we step through life and how our steps ripple out and affect others. What I am saying is metaphorical. What I witnessed was literal, and remains unexplained, without category or judgment. It's food for thought and being...

What is fueling our steps emotionally, mentally, and kinetically? It is an interesting point of view to have witnessed. I will keep it in my mental library of interesting things I have observed but never thought of or expected. I really have no final judgment on the stompers. My mind is also open, despite observed bias. Who knows what their situation really is. But, it is a real and literal quality, whatever it really is.

. . .

An update, an afterthought: One thing I completely overlooked in my assessment of this experience... One of our cats, Solomon, is a slim, tall, light-as-a-feather-stepping kind of fellow. He walks lithely and lightly, with no sound at all. Except....except for the rare times when he STOMPS! Dear Solomon, over the years, keeps watch of the yard around our house day and night. And, there used to be a lovely little white cat...we called her Mrs. White, and she would wander the block in front of her house day and night when she wasn't indoors. She especially liked to visit our front and back yard. When Solomon would spot her, his excitement was palpable! And when she would move out of view of one window, he would quickly jump down and stomp throughout the house to get to the next window. My daughter was the one who noticed, with great amusement, that his usual light-footed way turned into stomps! And sure enough, I began paying attention, and for sure, you could hear his little furry feet pounding down loudly with enthusiasm, at tracking Mrs. White in his territory! Amazing. All force of passion, and nothing to do with weight, size, or usual habit. 

Maybe everyone that stomped that day was simply that excited?

07 March 2022

Spring Is Near! And, Fresh News For Your Monday


praire nearby, photo by C. S. Sherin

The above photo is to remind you (and myself) of all the latent beauty waiting to spring up and flourish again this year. I took the photo at a lookout in La Crescent, MN last summer. The same lookout at the top of the bluffs, where Jeff and I were able to see Neowise the comet... remember that? I saw so many shooting stars then too! The end of winter is in sight, even though March can be so topsy-turvey. I can't wait to see the prairie flowers again, and all that goes with them! But, for now, baby steps to those days. 

A lot is moving, changing, and growing with this site and my new site at the moment. I want to give you a heads up on everything, so here you go: 

I have deleted my old Wordpress (WP) blogs (cssherin and recipeforagreenlife) and my Medium account. But, all is not lost! I have migrated much of what was there to this blog! So be sure to browse the archives on this blog to see all the articles that have migrated here, safe and sound. 

The reasons for doing this are many, but here are a couple: while I love WP and have blogged and worked on WP sites since 2008, the time has come to move on in a way that is more streamlined with my new business. As for Medium, I used it as a portfolio while I was freelancing, and found it to be nice for that. However, their payments, policies, and methods are not really at all supportive of writers; and as they have continued to make it harder and harder, I felt happy to leave. Plus, having my writing in one place feels great! 

So, yep, most of my articles and essays are here now. I'm really happy with how things are working out. 

And, I have created my new website, cssherin.com. 

One more update that I'm delighted to announce: the eBook version of Recipe For A Green Life survived the dissolution of Wild Clover in 2020! This means that soon it will be available in my shop at cssherin.com! I am truly so happy that the eBook can continue. Charish and I poured countless hours of our hearts and pure passion into that project, and I am proud of what we accomplished! So, it is a joy to share that with you. I will let you know when it becomes available. 

Well, that's it for now. I hope you have a great week. 

Until next time, take good care of you!

all my best, 


17 February 2022

Some Great Small Businesses To Support!

 Hi dear reader! 


17 Feb. 2022
C.S. Sherin

The era of the global pandemic has given us all a lot to deal with and adapt to. For my part, I am getting ready to launch a new chapter of my life! I still have a lot of prep work to do, but want to give you a heads up on a few things now, in the drab part of winter. The pandemic and other life changes caused me to dissolve my former business at the end of 2020. In this interim, I have used this unplanned sabbatical as fertile ground for finding a new and better approach to life, as it is now.

Deep in the processes of finalizing my business plan, I can feel the beauty of this new adventure coming to be. I don't want to reveal too much yet, but suffice it to say, I am very excited and very ready for my new and lovingly cultivated (further) adventure(s) in self employment. 

Before I sign off and get back to work, I have some wonderful family businesses (and products), and a friend's business to recommend to you. I have zero compensation or obligation to any of these, by the way. I simply want to share some quality work that small family businesses, and one lovely Fair Trade business are providing. 

During this time especially, I have doubled my efforts to invest in and support small businesses like this, through being as regular a customer as I can be. Having had my own small business before, and heading into that venture again, I am mindful of all the risk, courage, and hard work involved. Please consider supporting these great businesses with your patronage: 

Haipazaza Phezuta is an Indigenous owned business, located in Washington state. This business was recommended by ethnobotonist Linda Black Elk, on her FB and IG accounts. Linda is someone who I greatly admire, and so I took her recommendation seriously. I wasn't disappointed! Haipazaza Phezuta shampoo bars, conditioner, and body butter are all handmade, with incredible quality, beauty and effectiveness. Not only do they ship right away, they also snuck in a free shampoo bar as thank you! When I opened up our order, it literally smelled like the sweetest, best prayers in all the world. And, my hair has never been so happy! I'm so thankful to be able to buy from a business that is an Indigenous owned family, with truly, such amazing products! Win-win! Site: https://www.haipazazaphezuta.com/ 

Dana's Kitchen is a local business, in the area where I live, La Crosse, WI. Dana's products are made from her own garden and her partner's, Adam's, barn of gorgeous, wonderful mushrooms. I have been lucky to be able to be buying eggs from Dana for some years now, and have found her to be a wonderful person, mother, and business owner. She works so hard, and is incredibly thoughtful and kind too. She creates the most wonderful hot sauces, mushroom based seasonings for veggies, pizza, and meat; and tomato sauces and dog treats too. These are really tasty, quality products! The hot sauces are so amazing, and can be added into just about anything with great results. There is so much joy in just opening a bottle and smelling it! Our harvest of tomatoes went into the freezer last fall, with some olive oil and Dana's seasoning. Heating those up and using them for sauces this winter has been an absolute delight! While Dana isn't shipping at this time, it would be worth your while to follow her page on FB and seek her out at events, if you are able. Site: Dana's Kitchen

Heart Of The Sky Fair Trade is a traveling and online Fair Trade business, located in Spring Green, WI. It is the great work of an old, dear friend of mine, Melinda Van Slyke. She has spent much of her life now, supporting solidarity work for genocide survivors in Guatemala; traveling back and forth, and supporting Guatemala women-owned textile businesses through her Fair Trade purchases. Her website is an absolute treasure trove of delightful beauty and joy. I am certainly biased about this one, but I can say with full transparency that Melinda is a wonderful friend with a big heart, and undying passion for justice and adorable and gorgeous handmade textiles. Her relationship with women business owners in Guatemala is one of mutual respect and joy, and it shows! Site: https://www.heartoftheskyfairtrade.com/ 

She just got some extraordinary new products in as well! And, her updates on FB and IG are always a treat. 

Until next time, take good care of you! 

all my best, 


(C.S. Sherin)