17 August 2023

Where Does The Summer Go?

17 August 2023
C. S. Sherin

Every once in a while, a poem comes racing out of me, and it spills out and finds its way to my blog, here. Today is one of those days....

Summer 2023, C. S. Sherin

Where Does
The Summer go?
        by C. S. Sherin
Will it ever, please, ever-nestle
in the heart,
and release its balmy winds upon
my being at all
the most-needed times?
At the end of summer,
I have only begun to remember
how to lie down upon beach towels
or generous blankets in the yard
and be, be, be...with
sweet dogs at my side...
with love and lover enfolding me...
with children causing happy ruckus next door,
with brilliant cats, and so many directions for
walking, and
with a new, fresh butterfly gliding about
looking for a patch of sun,
the right patch of sun, to rest within.
Stolen moments...they cannot be so.
And better late than never!
Better to taste the nectar of life
long and sweetly now.
Better to recline in the value of the
freedom to exist with peace and pleasure.
Freedom ever-present claimed.
Rest claimed.
Sunlight and gentle breezes grow strong.
Creativity claimed.
Health and movement.
Sweat forms and drips freely.
Sunlight and shade dance in the winds
where green vines cocoon us,
a secret garden of our own.
We can play there
hearts ever-young,
minds ready to live life anew.
Where does the summer go
when heat drives us inside, and work
never releases, nor does the striving?
Where does the summer go
as we age into a new existence
and stress-forget the freedoms ever-present?
How old were you when everything burned?
I was three. I was seven.
And other times too. Too many.
May summer, may spring, may fall
continually live within, at the most-needed times. May winter be gentle.
May winter never linger so long.
May there never be a time again
when everything burns and no peace is discovered.
I know the way.
It is the wisdom of a child.
It is the playful inspiration
of a loving grandparent, aunt, or uncle.
It is choice in how to rest. It is choice in solitude.
It is the joy and wonder of tiny things.
It is in actively seeking delight
in the midst of everything.
Too late in the summer, I find it.

C. S. Sherin ©2023, all rights reserved.

09 August 2023

Garden Ramblings During Drought

C. S. Sherin
09 August 2023
updated on Aug 10/11 at the end of this post

The geranium stretched out a long arm to offer some more generous blooms today.


To the south of us, in the state of Wisconsin, the land is experiencing severe to extreme drought.  

Here, in west-central Wisconsin we are having a moderate drought. We started out in the Spring with flooding. And throughout the summer we've had drought conditions, with some luck of a few soaking rains. But, not enough. For an area that is usually lush long into August, even September, this extended drought experience is leaving its mark. 

A lot of acorn trees have tiny, tiny acorns. Many flower blooms came in one or two times smaller than normal. Tall plants didn't grow quite as tall, and others became miniature. That includes small patches of clover that somehow survived, and many plants considered hardy perennials. I watered regularly for so long. But, have fallen behind. And it shows. The garden has died away and given up in many parts. It feels like October in August. I have already pulled the hollow, dried stems from the tall, cheerful tiger lilies, which peak in early to mid July. 

all the dried tiger lily stems I pulled yesterday.


The grass is crispy or died away. Even the catnip is fallen over, weak, though not wilted like the mint. The milkweed have some real nice big seed pods formed, but they, too, have fallen on hard times, with mites or aphids covering them. Though, that infestation has provided steady meals for the countless ants who have lived on this sandy, originally prairie, land for ages. 

I provide water for the insects, mammals and birds outside, but it's hard to keep up as it evaporates and is used so much faster. The water for insects is in a potted plant dish that has rocks in it to prevent drowning. It is the most active and needed water dish I have outside. If the plant life and soil is having a hard time, you can bet that the wildlife needs extra support. While natural selection is a thing, we actually don't want pollinators and other important or unique species suffering too much. That's for sure.

We have had droughts each year for quite a long time now, but not usually for this long in a season. It's difficult to see, in many ways. And, I feel good being able to provide water for the plants and in water dishes. It is a big deal. When I do water in the evenings, the bees are still trying to get all they can from the blooms that are left. (Same with hummingbirds, few butterflies, pollinating wasps or hornets, and birds...but bees are out later.) Well, those bees would get out of my way and gently fly around me, respectfully. It was clear to me, these bees know that I have been working to keep the flowers alive for them. So, we cooperate. Best we can. And I can tell you, there is nothing they love more in our yard than the Greek oregano in bloom. They can't get enough! 

the Greek oregano is in the background, while the bee is visiting flowers that are quite hardy to this drought and that the finches seem to like as well.

As I was pulling the dried, hollow stems from the lilies yesterday, I remembered how recent it was that they were like a fireworks display in my yard around my birthday. And how exciting and fun it was to see them. All memory now... and faded fast to drought. The thirst in the soil is profound. The amount of days we go without soaking rains is sobering. Even the ants kept wandering into our house this summer looking for foods.

Watering the yard and providing water costs next to nothing here. But, I let my practice slide, because the forecast kept promising rain, and it kept missing us, and I was distracted. So, things are thirstier and more crispy than before. I am lamenting this lapse a little bit.

Sometimes I can revive the mint with a long soaking. But, sometimes, like now, I may have missed the chance. I hope not. 

At our Riverside park, where there are usually many ducks and seagulls along the shoreline, there are none. The ducks are gone, I guess? And the seagulls are few. Perhaps because of the construction still on pause for the new huge docking portion of the shore, for the real big river cruise ships? Not sure. I just know it was eerie to see the park so crispy dry, the water so low, and many regular wildlife absent. 

the ants feasting on the mites or aphids that have infested the milkweed.


The most curious thing of all, is that mold is still forming on the greenery, out back, where I don't water at all. How does that happen? August is the season for mold, true. Perhaps the high heat with humidity does the trick, even without enough rain? 

I still hope we get some good rains. Everyone living on the land needs the relief. So much of what is alive out there isn't made for long-term droughts. It would be sad to see this continue or worsen each year. Even with a garden hose and attachments, it isn't easy. For grassroots homestead-type farmers this summer, I'm sure it has been non-stop work, more than ever. I know for myself, due to the severity of the drought at certain times, I didn't care about weeding as much as keeping things alive...simply encouraging survival. It may seem silly to go this in-depth. But, it really affects everything and all of us. The raspberries didn't grow, by the way. They tried to grow, shrunk and wilted. Foods and herbs did according to the moisture provided. 

Sometimes the circumstances and conditions don't line up, and then things that would normally thrive are held back and are forced to diminish. 

UPDATE, 10 August 2023: Last night after this was posted, we got a little rain storm. It wasn't long enough to make up for a lot. But, it felt like a lovely answer to this post. And every little bit counts!

11 August 2023: We got rain again last night, and may get more tonight! While it won't likely make up the 3 inches of rain we haven't gotten this season, it's still good news! And, more good news, the mint did revive again, between me watering and the rain.

26 July 2023

RECAP: The Live Congressional Hearing About Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP)/ UFOs

26 July 2023; edited 27 July 2023 (additional info added)
C. S. Sherin

Don't have time to watch the Congressional Hearing on UFOs that was recorded today? Read on for a somewhat thorough recap.

There is a divide in the United States political system between parties that identify as Republican or Democrat. In recent decades that division has become more and more extreme and more and more conservative across the board.

Some Democrats are characterized as radically liberal, when with the global lens, they are more accurately seen in the center or in the moderate category (e.g. Ocasio-Cortez, Warrens). Most other Democrats, in the global lens, sit to the right, yes, more conservative than center/moderate. That's right, there are no, from the global lens, liberal or far left politicians in office at this time. The narratives within the US about these positions are grossly exaggerated and skewed. 

And, likewise, some Republicans are characterized as far right when, within the global lens, they would more accurately be placed in the more extreme or most extreme category of conservatism (fascism, theocratic dictatorship, etc). And most other Republicans are conservative, with only some sitting just right of center on many issues, along with their many Democrat counterparts.

The two men began the live hearing by clarifying that the oversight committee and live hearing was a bipartisan effort, not partisan, and that the lack of transparency by the government goes deeper than the divisions present in their partisan issues. That is a stunning statement, which seems to overreach. 

Considering the myriad of urgent and deeply problematic and impactful issues that the two parties are divided on at this time, this statement is quite curious. It seemed, as the hearing went on, many were (rightly) troubled by the lack of freedom they had to know facts, the truth, or to have the power to report real events and be believed.

Before the recap, I want to briefly bring this to awareness... this experience of recognizing abuse of laws and injustice in this hearing, and the desire to solve it quickly, is a fine mirror. The experience of having one's freedom to act, to protect, to mitigate harm, and to report and be believed and protected... compromised or denied is an experience many can unfortunately relate to. Especially anyone who isn't a part of the dominant culture in some way, experiences this distress often if not regularly, and then aggravated more and further by unjust laws. So, transparency and greater ethics in this UAP sector is ultimately or potentially good for everyone. Or, at least, for a moment, it can serve as an illustration of the importance and necessity of transparency and ethical laws and accountability for our government, politicians, and military.

All that being said, the committee hearing was a good example of pretty efficient organization and respect for time, questions, and the testimony by all parties present.

The recap or main points disclosed (or, more accurately, re-shared) today to the congressional oversight committee, for the purpose of official record, and future action by Congress; were worthwhile, serious, and concerning. And, this testimony comes from three objective and highly respected and experienced military officials:
David Grusch (former decorated US Air Force veteran and veteran of the National Geo-Spatial Intelligence Agency and National Reconnaissance Office),
David Fravor (retired US Navy Commander), and
Ryan Graves (former Navy pilot and director of Americans for Safe Aerospace). 

  •  The main concerns that arose from this hearing included confirmation by all three men that the evidence and experience they have, firsthand, indicates the clear potential for a national security threat; with Fravor stating it is a definite potential for a security threat. Both Graves and Fravor expressed the concern for safety of both military and commercial pilots without an official system to report, track, and analyze (the "grossly under-reported") sightings by both entities. The highest ranking leaders, to pilots, have no way of dealing with or mitigating the inherent safety issues. And, the UAP seem to station themselves all over the world where Navy are stationed. There was a general concern about safety and the ability to do something about the reality of it, while also dealing with backlash and no support in the military leadership/organization at this time. Additionally, there is a concern that UAP events are over-classified (meaning there's no real security threat in sharing with the public) and then buried in filing systems, lost until someone digs it up. There is also the concern that illegal activity within the government or Department of Defense in relation to this reported cover-up includes misuse of and disappearance of huge amounts of monetary funds, and failure to be transparent to the public and to congress.
  • Both Fravor and Graves personally observed objects that have no seams, doors, windows, sound, or evidence of propulsion; moving at speeds beyond their capability, changing direction suddenly, disappearing and reappearing in a location quite far away in a short span of time that would seem impossible. 
  • All three men agreed that the UAP are able to assess military capabilities and are likely assessing for vulnerabilities.
  • Grusch shared that vulnerability is probably the top reason for the government agencies to hide information. 
  • Both Fravor and Graves acknowledged that the UAP observed have the capability to interfere and block even the most trusted source of data, radar.
  • Fravor emphasized that the UAP he and three other pilots witnessed has abilities that far exceed the ability of any human now and for the next 10 or 20 years, and that it also exceeds our comprehension of material science (as a whole) at this time.
    • The object was shaped like a white pill, propane tank, or tic tac mint. 
    • The object moved and changed directions at speeds that are beyond our understanding of physics, and beyond the human body's ability to withstand such movements. 
    • There was an invisible phenomena in the ocean in San Diego, CA (where this incident took place) that caused white caps in a small area, when the sea was otherwise calm and the skies were clear; below the flying object that displayed such amazing capabilities. Fravor believed the UAP was communicating with whatever was below in the ocean.
    • As the highest ranking officer, Fravor had no way of reporting or mitigating the situation, and felt that there was no way to protect or defend against the UAP capabilities. He also didn't feel a threat in that instance.
    • Fravor maintained that he had no special interest in UFOs before this incident, but isn't closed minded either.  
    • Fravor voiced concern that if someone reversed engineered the kind of object that he and his companions had witnessed there would be absolutely nothing they could do about it. It is beyond anyone's current capabilities to mitigate or handle. 
    • Fravor said the recording on a phone of footage of the UAP was classified, and that is an example of things being over-classified, since there was no radar or other sensitive data in the recording that would require classification.
  • Graves has many decades of experiences in sightings and experiences with UAP. Of those he highlighted, were ones that also demonstrate objects with capabilities that are beyond anything we are aware of scientifically or in engineering.  
    • Graves explained that sightings have been consistent and many for decades now, and particularly where military are stationed around the world. 
    • The UAP/UFOs Graves described were gray or black cubes that are inside a clear sphere.
    • Graves emphasized how difficult it is for pilots, both commercial and military, to deal with the persistent experience of UAP in their air space with no way to report, record, analyze, track, and deal with the events as real. 
    • The denial and negative retribution within the military and the complete vacuum of resources for both commercial and military pilots compromises the ongoing safety of pilots. 
    • His experience in the military leads him to guesstimate that only 5% of phenomenon is reported, due to an intolerant climate in the military towards those who report. So much so, that it's better to forget it than to report it.
  •  Grusch wasn't able to share publicly as much as he is able "behind closed doors with the right security level." Yet, he was able to say that he personally can say that the government has been covering up the fact that they possess and have possessed "non human" objects and non human "biologics" since the 1930s. And, that people have been harmed by those covering things up and by UAP. He is willing to give helpful information to members of congress in private, but isn't able to publicly.
    • Grusch stated that he has been threatened and harmed professionally and personally due to his whistleblower status, since April, when he began the disclosure.
    • He prefers to use the term non human rather than "alien" due to the need to keep an open mind about origin due to our limited comprehension of phenomena that far exceeds our engineering and scientific abilities and knowledge at this time. 
    • He clearly stated that money is illegally being funneled into secret programs that deal with UAP, including reverse engineering. He also stated that there are other illegal actions going on that are harmful and that violate laws. He named specific documents and laws at the hearing.
    • Grusch maintains that some things need to remain classified for national security, but that many things can be safely disclosed and shared.
    • He and his wife witnessed "very disturbing" behavior and/or events related to UAP and our government programs that lack transparency. That was all he could divulge legally.
    • When questioned on how, in such a vast and empty galaxy/universe, could such an advanced intelligence make the mistake to crash, Grusch suggested, with his Physics degree to support him, that he could only offer scientific theories, such as the Holographic theory. And, that even with the best pilots and machinery there is still a statistic present for things going wrong, for accidents, for crashes. 
  • When asked why they are doing this, the answers were as follows: Grusch = duty, that he takes very seriously. Graves = safety for current pilots and populace. Fravor = I was pestered to do it. Fravor also stated that he has been treated very well in sharing his experience and in coming forward to share it officially. Grusch has had the opposite experience with his former workplace being hostile and punishing both personally and professionally. But, he does receive lots of respect and support privately from military people who have the same kinds or related experiences with UAP/UFOs.  
  • A red square UAP as big as a football field was mentioned.
  • UAP that are able to hover and remain still in hurricane winds was mentioned. 
  • It was stated that UAP is causing serious interference with military training.

Here is a link to a video of the hearing today:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpzJnrwob1A


On A Personal Note

I loved E.T. when it came out. And it remains an incredible movie. It depicted the secret way the government handles "non human" events. And that part of the movie came as a surprise to no one. 

Transparency will always be healthier for people in the long run. Ethical transparency would help to clear away some of the most insidious conspiracy theories and make space for productive and collaborative actions, perhaps. Maybe then, our society could mature, balance, and mellow out a bit?

I have always loved the stars and night sky, and have always felt a bit of freedom and inherent birthright in witnessing it. And, there was a time, when I was a young adult that I did see a UAP. And even with my open-mindedness, it shook my perspective on life and reality. And many people I consider open-minded were less than receptive when I shared the experience with them back then. 

So, that left me more isolated in processing the experience. But, I was not a pilot or someone charged with defending a country, region, or people. I cannot imagine the mental distress of those who are punished for talking, when all they want to do is enact safe systems, records, and healthier ways to deal with the unknown/with the reality. 


* The last paragraphs of this article were lightly edited to add clarity on 10 Nov. 2023