20 October 2023

More Photos Of Gorgeous Autumnal Tree Leaves


Well, the sun is fully out, and the sky is blue, so the fall leaves are absolutely blazing. Again, walking the dog at lunch time becomes a time for photos as well. And really, dogs love to back-track, pause, cross streets in odd places, and take a different route. Well, the younger ones do anyway! 

The turning of the leaves is so mesmerizing! It is like stained glass art, but in nature with trees and the sky! Nature is always such an inspiration for so many good things.

Here's some of the highlights from my walk today, for you to enjoy as well...

I mean, if colors speak to you on a normal day, this really grabs ya. 

Oh the yellows turn to gold. A lot start out pale and unremarkable, and then suddenly, the next day they are gold and glowing. 

The sun beaming through the orange-yellow tree and the purple-red tree in the back with the blue sky? Living art. 

Another stunning color palette: azure blue and light blue sky, deep red leaves,, and yellow with a tiny hint of green leaves in the back. 

This center red glowing leafed tree is quite tall and so slender! I love the pale green, orange and green mixed in the background with the sky too. The center tree is mostly in shade, so the red it muted, except for the some of the branches that are glowing red, a lovely neon. 

And, for the finale, a close up of red/orange leaves from right underneath. What a beautiful extravaganza! 

Hope you enjoyed the tour. 

Happy weekend!


18 October 2023

In The Fall, The Leaves Turning Captivates And Enthralls

In the fall, leaves turn to brilliant hues, then fall, and slowly wilt. The darkness arrives earlier and earlier each evening. So it is. And so it is. At least here, in the Midwest, US. 

On the other side of the world, spring flowers are blooming!

The Autumn leaves here are really starting to hit their stride. And they certainly hold their own compared to the beauty and intoxication of spring. There is a deep energy of cultivation and reflection in fall that nurtures dreams, poetry, art, reading, play, baking, cooking, and rest.

I am so busy studying... and, also so busy updating my website with a whole new system! Once that's done, then I will be able to add inventory. It is hard to find or make spare time. But, here I am!

Walking the dogs is a great way for me to get outside and take a break, almost every day. Thank goodness for our sweet little dogs. 

Today, while it was not too sunny, it was a nice surprise to see a bit of a brilliant blue sky here and there. Here are some photos I took of the trees today:

The reds are so stunning! Especially with the blue sky showing. 


This little tree...what a beauty!

It's really breathtaking in person, if you take the time to really look. 

This may not look as showstopping, but it was the center of the street, all the way down, with the glowing orange leaves that really made it for me, along with the yellow with the deep green.

 Oh gosh, and such a tall tree! Sheltered near a tall pine. Like stained glass sky. The greatest. 

It's absolutely a miracle. The inspiration of nature is incredible. Each time, unique and singular. I'm thankful for this. 

Well, until next time...

take good care of you.

all my best,


17 August 2023

Where Does The Summer Go?

17 August 2023
C. S. Sherin

Every once in a while, a poem comes racing out of me, and it spills out and finds its way to my blog, here. Today is one of those days....

Summer 2023, C. S. Sherin

Where Does
The Summer go?
        by C. S. Sherin
Will it ever, please, ever-nestle
in the heart,
and release its balmy winds upon
my being at all
the most-needed times?
At the end of summer,
I have only begun to remember
how to lie down upon beach towels
or generous blankets in the yard
and be, be, be...with
sweet dogs at my side...
with love and lover enfolding me...
with children causing happy ruckus next door,
with brilliant cats, and so many directions for
walking, and
with a new, fresh butterfly gliding about
looking for a patch of sun,
the right patch of sun, to rest within.
Stolen moments...they cannot be so.
And better late than never!
Better to taste the nectar of life
long and sweetly now.
Better to recline in the value of the
freedom to exist with peace and pleasure.
Freedom ever-present claimed.
Rest claimed.
Sunlight and gentle breezes grow strong.
Creativity claimed.
Health and movement.
Sweat forms and drips freely.
Sunlight and shade dance in the winds
where green vines cocoon us,
a secret garden of our own.
We can play there
hearts ever-young,
minds ready to live life anew.
Where does the summer go
when heat drives us inside, and work
never releases, nor does the striving?
Where does the summer go
as we age into a new existence
and stress-forget the freedoms ever-present?
How old were you when everything burned?
I was three. I was seven.
And other times too. Too many.
May summer, may spring, may fall
continually live within, at the most-needed times. May winter be gentle.
May winter never linger so long.
May there never be a time again
when everything burns and no peace is discovered.
I know the way.
It is the wisdom of a child.
It is the playful inspiration
of a loving grandparent, aunt, or uncle.
It is choice in how to rest. It is choice in solitude.
It is the joy and wonder of tiny things.
It is in actively seeking delight
in the midst of everything.
Too late in the summer, I find it.

C. S. Sherin ©2023, all rights reserved.